Our Programs & Services

Welcome! We provide more than 40 weekly classes and activities to meet the needs of a diverse and growing West Seattle community. You’ll find a broad range of programs, activities and services when you come to The Center.

Classes and activities are free for Center members, except for some specialty services and special programs. Unless noted otherwise, most classes and activities cost $5-10 for non-members, except specialty services.

Our classes are taught by paid instructors and volunteers. Have a suggestion for a new program? Email us or visit the front desk.

Two elderly women are seated and smiling. One with glasses and long hair wears a red patterned top, while the other has short gray hair and a purple jacket. They appear to be engaged in conversation, possibly discussing the various services and programs for seniors in West Seattle.

You can see our full schedule of upcoming events and activities on our calendar

Explore these areas of our programs and services

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