We love to keep you informed of all the fun programs and activities happening at The Center for Active Living.

Two women are thoughtfully arranging a mannequin in the thrift store's window display.

Thank you from the Thrift Store

Thank you shoppers and volunteers!

By shopping and donating at The Center Thrift Store this past year, you have helped provide vital revenue to support our programs, classes and services.

In 2024, your support of the Thrift Store provided more than $200,000 in proceeds benefiting The Center. This essential funding helps make our impact in the community possible.

Our volunteers are also instrumental in the Thrift Store’s success. More than 50 people volunteered this year helping to make the store run smoothly. Our amazing volunteers help out as greeters, cashiers, stockers, drivers, fixers/technicians and much more.

Thank you for a great year!

~ Thrift Store staff team

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